jammed jar // foley
Jammed Jar is a sound design/foley challenge completed by myself, Tyler Keating, Molly Martin, and Key Corbitt in 2016. The challenge criteria included the requirement that all audio had to be created using foley, with the exception of dialogue. Other requirements included the use of both diegetic and non-diegetic music, a voice filtered electronically (phone or radio), and a fantastical element of sound design (sounds that would not be produced in the natural environment). We were given a week to complete this assignment, and it features Katherine Oliveira as "Distressed YouTube Cooking Guru". The script was written as a sequel to "National Toast Day" by Finlay Braithwaite. This was a fun and lighthearted project that we all had fun making.
This project was created using a Sony FS7, AVID ProTools, and Adobe Premiere Pro.
This project was created using a Sony FS7, AVID ProTools, and Adobe Premiere Pro.